Can you be happy with a few extra kilos?
With the arrival of summer, many people become victims of the famous diets that are seen in numerous magazines, internet, etc. It is then when the satisfaction that food provides is threatened by having to enjoy it in a certain way and to fight against nature itself.
Sometimes we find women being on a diet forever, trying to reach an unthinkable weight for your height or for bone structure. It is often a goal that will never be reached, which will cause a state of dissatisfaction that will accompany you forever.
In all this the personality plays an important role, since they are often people who need the approval of others to be happy, need that others value them and focus on the physical aspect as a unique weapon to be valued.
What people often don't realise is that this appearance is lost over the years and what is really important are other values that do remain.
If we look around we will see people of all kinds, tall, short, with more or less weight, so why would we believe that others look to us badly because we have a few kilos?
It is one of the misconceptions that people with complexes and low self-esteem have.
How to improve your self-esteem?
Avoid comparisons. Don't be fooled by the dolls of beauty magazines, it would be absurd. Maybe you don't have the body of a magazine model, but stopping eating won't get you there either, the only thing you will get is more frustration. Surely you have other virtues that you can enhance, so get ready and look beautifu.
Look in the mirror and reinforce your strengths and believe in yourself. Be positive at all times and keep in mind all your personal achievements. In short, it is a matter of attitude and not kilos.
Silvia Asencio
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