Sadness, tiredness, anxiety, fatigue, irritability, are some of the symptoms that some people suffer from during this time of the year. It is known as seasonal affective disorder or depression of autumn and occurs when there is less exposure to sunlight.
It is an affective disorder affecting one way or another to almost 30% of the population, largely to women, especially to those who have between 20 and 40 years. Additionally this is the time which produces the transition from vacation to work, which usually worsens depressive symptoms or mood.
The culprit is melatonin, a hormone related to sleep that occurs to a greater extent when the days are short and dark. Therefore, if the light decreases, as it happens in autumn, a hormonal imbalance occurs that affects directly our emotional system.
What can I do?
Most importantly, take advantage of daylight hours for outdoor activities, sports, walks, breaking the routine and force yourself to leave the house. It is also convenient to break the social isolation programming activities with the family, friends... while continuing to take care of your diet.
If you find yourself in a similar situation and you see the time elapsing, contact me and I will help you to improve your mood with a few simple techniques that will be of great help.
Silvia Asencio
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